I have done it, I bit the bullet and quit my job.
Having hated it for quite some time, I finally got up the courage and resigned. I finish this week and then I am free.
It is quite scary after 15 years of always working full time to have no plans ahead of me. This is a good thing of course, but is also scary as hell. We have worked out the budget and fingers crossed, this appears to be doable. I figure if worst comes to worst, I will fins another job.
In the meantime however, I will enjoy every second I can at home, and hopefully will finally be able to stress less and even maybe fall pregnant again at last!
I took Riley to preschool one day this week, this is the only time I have been there since the first day, and while we all waited outside, I noticed that he is the only child that arrived with a library bag and pillow that were home made. Every other child had a "Character" bag and cushion.
My little precious doesnt seem to mind that his things are different, but I wonder how long this will last, and if he is in fact missing out on something by not having the same stuff as the other kids?
We are not total control freaks about licenced stuff, in fact he does love Thomas the Tank and we have shirts and stuff with those characters on them. I just dont know if my making items for him will lead to him feeling left out as he gets older and more immersed in this outside world of the public education system.
What is the answer? If anyone has any ideas, I would be grateful to hear them.
Workshops update
1 week ago