Well, it has been a while since I posted here, and I thought about not mentioning the reason for my absence, but have decided that it is right to have a record for myself what has happened recently. If you have read this blog, you might be aware that my partner and I had discussed the possbility of having another child before I get "Too Old". Well, we had decided that this was something that we wanted to do, and began trying. As luck would have it, I was fortunate enough to fall pregant almost immediately. We were so very excited and immediately began planning all the changes that this news would mean.
Then it happened.
I miscarried at 8 weeks pregnant. It almost felt like it was over before it had begun. I was devastated, even though I had done my best not to get my hopes up so early, and Grant was at a loss about how to help me, while dealing with it himelf at the same time.
Its been a few weeks, and I have attempted to write this post countless times, but stopped. Today I have decided to get it out there, and move on. If we are meant to only have Riley, then we are still so very lucky and extremely grateful for this funny, stubborn, clever little boy we have in our lives. The decision about the number of members are to be in our family has been left to fate for the moment. We will live in the moment, and take whatever life throws our way.
Thanks for letting me vent....
On another note, I have been crafting lately, amazingly. Working weekends all alone in the office waitng for the phone to ring does have its advantages. Even if it does et a little boring at times.
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here, and I am finally getting into the swing of making red and green treasure to decorate the house and to give as gifts, if I get up the courage to give made by me instead of store bought!

This is the fabric that I am going to use for little stockings for us to hang out on Christmas Eve (if I get around to making them in time of course) and mybe a wall hanging or table runner to go with the bunting and other decos that I made last year and have stored away! The plan is to add to our handmade decorations each year rather than buying standard decorations.
I have been experimenting with stitchery as you will see below. I so far seem to have mastered a rather wonky backstitch, but I am pretty proud of what I have come up with so far. My first stitcheries in about 10 years, and I designed them to, taking inspiration from all over the web.

Here are the beginnings of the name portion of our stockings so that we know which belongs to who. My high tech transfering system was to write the names on in lead pencil, I dont have the fancy water soluble pen thingies so I improvised and used what I had on hand!
Here is a parcel label for Riley's Great-Grandparents. Grants Nan really saves cards and wrapping, so I thought it would be fun to sew the tag for her to keep. Not sure that this is exactly right yet, it is a work in progress.

And finally, if you are still with me...thankyou for hanging in there with me! This is a Christmas Tree - obviously! It was a colouring in page that was a free download somewhere, I searched for the site again, but couldnt find it. I think this will become part of the wall hanging/ table tunner that is currently taking shape in my head. Originally this was to be a cushion for the loungeroom, but as I was sewing it, I got a bit carried away with what it could become, and a cushing is just too easy, I cant do anything easy it would seem.
Well, thats me back in the zone. Thanks for letting me go on for so long, I feel so much better having sent my tale of woe out into the blogisphere.
P.S There is still a place available for my pay it forward, dont be shy. Join in and share the love!