On Tuesday, my Riley turned 4. For his birthday, we gave him a new bike, and some toys for the pool, and as an extra gift, Mummy broke her ankle doing a last minute dash to the shops before the party!
I have been stuck on the couch ever since, and only today have I returned to work as I couldnt have any more time off - boss was not happy about the unplanned absence. Remind me to schedule in my broken bone for next year!!
I still managed to have Riley's birthday party, and had considered going the healthy approach with fruit and stuff, but old school Sarah intervened, and there were cupcakes, fairy bread and chocolate crackles everywhere! Oh, I did make some fruit kebabs, but only the mums were munching on those...
I have no pics of my darlings party, hoping that the Mother-In-Law will have some to share when she comes to visit next. It was lovely to be able to have endless snuggles with my boy this last week, and his Daddy was wonderful and helpful, but it turns out, just as I have always suspected that he is completely incapable of washing dishes. I smelled a rat when dinner on Friday night was presented (takeaway of course) on plastic plates left over from the party. Eventually Grant confessed that there were no clean dishes left in the house, and it was either use the plastic, or go and buy another dinner set!
I am sure glad to be back on my somewhat hobbly feet today, although the time was not wasted, I have been armed with my Eden Seeds catalogue planning and dreaming about what I will add to my litte garden next. The tomatoes are continuing to grow beautifully, and we are eating lettuce and parsley that I grew. The newest addition has been some Spring Onions that I planted from the bottoms of ones from the supermarket and they are starting to take off.
At least my focus for this month to work on the garden is still happening. Now what can I chose as the focus of next month?
Workshops update
1 week ago